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Collaborate 1 - Unit 2 - Grammar

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Does Samuel goes to school at a quarter past 9?
goes = go
Does your brother haves breakfast at 8 o' clock?
haves = have
Does Freddie study French? No, she don’t.
she don't = he doesn't
Correct the mistake: Does you like Justin Bieber's music?
Does = Do
Correct the mistake: Do Annabelle like Spanish food?
Do = Does
Tim never ___________ TV now, he always finds films and series online.
I use my phone to ___________ – my friends are the actors. I sometimes put them on YouTube!
make videos
(-) Luke’s sister plays the guitar, but he _____ ____________
doesn't play an instrument
I usually meet and ____________ with my friends in the park after school.
hang out
When I __________ with my friends, we talk for hours on our computers or phones.
chat online
Lucy often _______________ from the internet – she doesn’t buy CDs.
downloads songs
does / in / the / Dan / park / homework / usually / his
Dan usually does his homework in the park.
Tim / checks / in / never / his / class / phone
Tim never check his phone in class.
sometimes / We / late / class / for / are
Sometimes we are late for class.
go / at / They / lunchtime / usually / home
They usually go home at lunchtime.
I / brush / after / teeth / always / my / breakfast
I always brush my teeth after breakfast.
makes / dad / often / dinner / My
My dad often makes dinner.
(+) Martha _____________ breakfast at school.
(-) Child actors ____________ live at home when they are in a film.
(+) Dylan is a child actor and he __________ films.