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CIS G5 Social Science S1

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What is one reason the Spaniards were able to quickly conquer the Aztec and Inca empires?
Epidemics weakened the native people / Native populations were not fully united behind their rulers / Spaniards had better weapons and military tech
What did Moctezuma and Atahualpa have in common?
They were both rulers taken hostage by the Spanish invaders
Who led the Spanish invasion of the Aztec Empire?
Hernan Cortes
Which pair of adjectives best describes the way the Aztec and Inca first greeted the Spanish? A - threatening and violent; B - curious and friendly, C - bored and uninterested; D - bold and angry
B - Curious and friendly
Why was Inca stonework especially impressive?
They didn't use mortar
What do Cuzco, Machu Picchu, and Quito have in common?
They were inca communities
How were the Inca able to farm on mountainsides?
They cut terraces into the land
What was the purpose of the Inca quipu?
To record information
What animal played a central role in the life and culture of the Inca?
Who was the He-Who-Sees-Everything in the Inca Empire?
An inca tax collector and matchmaker
Who was Sapa Inca?
The sole ruler of the Inca Empire
Which mountain range runs through the middle of the Inca empire?
What region did the Inca rule?
The east coast of Central America
What was one reason the Aztec waged war so often?
They needed more land for growing crops
What was unusual about the Aztec capital Tenochtitlan?
It was built on an island
Which of the following best describes the Aztec government? A - An empire united under a single ruler; B - a collection of city-states, each with its own ruler; C - tribal groups with no central government; D - a democracy with a president
A - An empire under a single ruler
Who was the Aztec ruler in 1519?
Moctezuma II
Which of the following was NOT found in both the Maya and Aztec civilizations? A - the practice of human sacrifice, B - a number of independent city-states, C - impressive cities with grand buildings, D - life built around religion
B - only the Maya civilization was made up of city states
The Aztec were best known as: A - great road builders, B - fierce warriors, C - talented musicians, D - kindly rulers
B - Fierce warriors
Which word best describes the Aztec before they built their empire? Sailors, farmers, wanderers, scientists
Wanderers (nomads)
Where did the Aztec build the capital of their civilization?
In Tenochitlan, in present-day Mexico
Which were the tallest and most important buildings in Maya cities?
The maya had advanced scientific knowledge, but they did NOT develop: A - telescopes, B - a system of numbers, C - an accurate calendar, D - a system of writing
A - Telescopes
What structures would and archaeologist most likely find among the ruins of a Maya city? Canals, suspension bridges, causeways, or ball courts?
Ball courts
Where was the Maya civilization located?
In and around the Yucatan peninsula
Which North American area did Jacques Cartier claim for France?
Canada, around Montreal
Who was the first European to sail up the Atlantic coast of the present-day United States?
Giovanni da Verrazano
Which trade gor France interested building colonies in the land called New France?
Fur trade
What body of water did Vasco Nunez de Balboa reach with Francisco Pizarro?
The Panama Canal
Which of the following explorers did NOT visit North America? Ferdinand Magellan, Giovanni da Verrazano, Jacques Cartier, Henry Hudson
Ferdinand Magellan
What was the first permanent English settlement in North America?
Jamestown, Virginia
What was the first English colony in North America?
Roanoke Island
Where are the Straits of Magellan?
Near the southern tip of South America
Who was the Spanish missionary who tried to end the enslavement of Indians?
Bartolome de las Casas
Spain used a system of land and labor grants that encouraged Spanish settlers to settle in their newly conquered lands. What was the system called?
What did the Treaty of Tordesillas do?
Divided the land in the western hemisphere between Spain and Portugal
Why did Columbus call the people he met in the Bahamas "Indians"?
He thought he had reached the East Indies
Where did Christopher Colombus make landfall on his first voyage?
The Bahamas
Although Pedro Alvares Cabral set sail for India, where did he accidentally end up reaching first?
Where did Vasco da Gama explore?
The Eastern coast of Afica
What important route did Bartolomeu Dias's discovery lead to?
A Route to the Indian Ocean
What landmark was Bartolomeu Dias the first European to reach?
Cape of Good Hope
Who provided leadership for Portuguese exploration in the 1400s?
Prince Henry the Navigator
What tools did navigators use to know where they were and where they were going? A - Hull and caravel, B - Astrolabe and magnetic compass, C - Hourglass and sextant, D - Lateen and knots
B: Astrolabe and magnetic compass
What did Henry Hudson accomplish?
He sailed up a river into what is now New York State, and also found a huge inland sea in Canada
What was the Middle Passage?
The journey of enslaved Africans from Africa to the Americas
Which country took over the Spice Trade after Portugal weakened?
The Netherlands
On which continent is Lake Maracaibo located?
South America
Which lake is the source of the Nile River?
Lake Victoria
Which of the following lakes is NOT in Africa? Lake Chad, Lake Baikal, Lake Victoria, Lake Tanganyika
Lake Baikal
Who or what was Lake Victoria named after?
Queen Victoria of England
Why is Lake Tanganyika so long and narrow?
It's in a rift valley
The Caspian Sea is located between which two continents?
Asia and Europe
Traders used the Caspian Sea to get from Asia to which continent?
Why do things on the bottom of Lake Baikal look like they're so close?
The water is very clear
On which lake did the Edmund Fitzgerald sink?
Lake Superior
Which Great Lake is entirely in the United States?
Lake Michigan
How are lakes important to people all over the world? A - Provide water for crops, B- Provide recreational (fun) activities, C - Provide Sources of food, D - All of the above
D, All of the above!
Is the Aral Sea growing or shrinking?
The Aral Sea is located on which continent?
Which Venetian explorer's book about his travels to Asia encouraged exploration?
Marco Polo