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Open House 7th grade

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The urethra is part of 2 systems in males. Name them.
reproductive, excretory
What are the 2 accessory glands in the male reproductive system?
Prostate and the seminal vesicles.
The amniotic sac is filled with a fluid. What is it called?
Amniotic fluid
True or false: boy grow beers on their faces.
false, they grow beards.
How long does preparation of the uterus last?
How long does menstruation last?
3-6 DAYS
How long does ovulation last?
Humans have a scar on our stomachs, what is it called?
belly button/naval
During pregnancy, the mother develops an organ. What is the name of the organ and through what does it connect to the baby?
The placenta connects to the baby through the umbilical cord.
What connects the uterus to the vagina?
The cervix
During human development in the uterus, the baby is inside a bag. What is the bag called?
amniotic sac
What are the 4 stages of human development from fertilisation to birth?
Zygote, embro, foetus, baby
Name the 3 stages of the menstrual cycle.
ovulation, preparation of the uterus, menstruation
Name one change that happens to both boys and girls during puberty.
Good job!
Name one change that only happens to girls during puberty.
Well done!
Name one change that only happens to boys during puberty
Good job!
Name one change that happens to both boys and girls during puberty
Good job!
What are the reproductive cells for all living beings called?
What is the difference between sexual and asexual reproduction?
Well done!
What are the two types of reproduction?
Sexual and asexual reproduction.
What type of reproduction do humans do?
Sexual reproduction.
The Fallopian tubes belong to the male or female reproductive system?
Does the Vas deferens belong to the female or male reproductive system?
male reproductor system.
What is the largest cell in the female body.
How many sperm cells do the testes produce a day?
One million, Ten million, one hundred or one hundred thousand.
What connects the ovaries to the uterus?
The fallopian tubes.
What is puberty?
Well done!
Name one change that only happens to boys during puberty
Good job!
Name one change that only happens to girls during puberty.
Well done!
Where are spermatozoa produced?
In the testes
What do spermatozoa and ovules have in common?
Both are human reproductive cells.
Name one change that happens to both boys and girls during puberty.
Get taller, grow more muscles and get acne.
Are humans born with a reproductive system?
Yes, but its inactive until puberty.
What is the male reproductive cell call?
What is the female reproductive cell call?