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Mckinley sees 12 bunnies in the grass. 8 bunnies are hopping. The rest are not hopping. How many bunnies are not hopping?
4 bunnies are not hopping.
There are some cats. 7 cats walk away. Now there are 9 cats. How many cats are there at the start?
16 cats are there at the beginning.
There are 16 cats. Then 4 cats walk away. How many cats are left?
12 cats are left.
Arlee's horses go into the barn. Then 5 more horses go in. Now there are 15 horses in the barn. How many horses does Arlee have at the start?
Arlee has 10 horses.
Jett and Parks make 7 pizzas. Then they make some more pizzas. Now they have 15 pizzas. How many more pizzas did they make?
Jett and Parks made 8 more pizzas.
Avery S. and Ward fly 8 kites. Then they fly 3 more kites. How many kites did they fly that day?
They flew 11 kites that day.
Avery B. and Rozlyn pick some flowers. They put 8 flowers in the red vase and 9 flowers in the green vase. How many did they pick?
They picked 17 flowers.
Sophia has some cherries. She eats 7 cherries. There are 6 left. How many did she have at first?
Sophia had 13 cherries at the beginning.
Carter and Alice's soccer team made 14 goals in the game last Saturday. In the first half Cayson scored 8 goals. Alice scored some goals in the second half. How many did Alice score?
Alice scored 6 goals.
Kaydence sees 18 birds in the tree. Then 9 birds fly away. How many birds are left?
9 birds are left in the tree.
Laneah has 4 cupcakes. Caleb has 10 cupcakes. How many cupcakes do they have altogether?
They have 14 cupcakes altogether.
Tyler scores some goals. Then Carter scores 9 goals. In all they score 14 goals. How many goals did Tyler score?
Tyler scored 5 goals.
Ben scores 8 touchdowns. Jojo also scores some touchdowns. In all, they score 16 touchdowns. How many touchdowns did Jojo score?
Jojo scored 8 touchdowns.
Madison scores 3 points. Kiarra scores 14 points. How many points do they score in all?
They scored 17 points in all.
Leo sees some turtles on the sand. Then 9 more turtles come along. Now there are 16 turtles. How many turtles were in the sand before?
There were 7 turtles in the sand before.