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6th grade review

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name an example of an arthropod.
Any insect, arachnid (spider, scorpion), crustaceans (prawns, crabs, barnacles), centipede/millipede,
Name an example of an Mollusc.
Snails, slugs, mussels, clams, oysters, octopuses, squid, cuttlefish
Name an example of an Echinoderm.
Starfish, urchins
Name an example of an Annelid.
Earthworm, nereis
Name an example of a Cnidarian.
Jellyfish, anemones, coral
Name an example of a Porifera.
Aquatic sponge
What are the 6 types of invertebrates
poriferas, cnidarians, annelids, echinoderms, molluscs and arthropods.
Explain what type of animal this is.
Explain what type of animal this is.
Explain what type of animal this is.
Explain what type of animal this is.
Explain what type of animal this is.
Explain what viviparous means.
Viviparous means the baby grows inside the mother and the mother gives birth to their offspring.
True or False. The majority of animals in the world are invertebrates.
I am an amphibian. My back legs are strong and i can jump. I don´t have a tail.
I am an invertebrate. I am arthropod. I have an exoskeleton. I have eight legs and a tail. I have a sting in the end of my tail.
I am a mammal. I can jump up to 12 metres high. My back legs are larger and stronger than my front legs. I am covered with fur and I have a long tail. When my offspring are born, I put them in my pouch to continue developing.
I am an invertebrate. I am an annelid. I have a long thin body. My body is made up of rings.
I am a reptile. I can slow my heart rate down to just a few beats an hour so that I can stay underwater for long periods of time. I have a strong jaw and very sharp teeth. I can grow to over 6 metres in length.
I am a mammal. I am covered with fur. I have four legs and a big bushy tail. I am semiaquatic.I have webbed feet and a bill (beak). I am oviparous.
What is the main feature of a mammal?
They feed on breast milk.
Name 2 functions of feathers
Protect them from the rain and let them fly
Explain what oviparous means.
If an animal is oviparous, it means that animal lays eggs.
Name an amphibian
Frog, toad, salamander,
What do fish use to breath under water?
True or false. Fish can only move up and down.
False. Fish can move in any direction.
Name the 5 classes of vertebrates
Amphibians, mammals, fish, birds, reptiles.
What are the 2 types of animals?
Vertebrates and invertebrates
What is the opposite of symmetrical?
What 3 characteristics do animals have in common?
Symmetry, body organisation, interaction function.
What class of animal is this?