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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Ms Ngoc has her students do the housework.
Ms Ngoc has the housework done by her students.
People say that he is a good doctor.
He is said to be a good doctor./ It is said that he is a good doctor.
Julia kept the dog waiting.
The dog was kept waiting by Julia.
He doesn't like people laughing at him.
He doesn't like being laughed at.
He wants someone to take the photographs.
He wants the photographs to be taken.
The teacher gives the students a lot of homework.
The students are given a lot of homework by the teacher.
Anna saw a raccoon stuck in the mud.
A racoon was seen to stuck in the mud.
Tony ate all the doughnuts.
All the doughnuts was eaten by Tony.
The man hit the cat on the head.
The cat was hit on the head by the man.
The vet gave the dog medicine.
The dog was given medicine by the vet.
John washes the dishes.
The dishes are washed by John.
When are you supposed to do the homework?
When is the homework supposed to be done?
They must make a decision about the report next Monday.
A decision about the report must be made next Monday.
John wrote an article about the flood.
An article about the flood was written by John