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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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REWRITE THE SENTENCE IN TO (-) OR (?) My sister played basketball with her friends .(WHO?)
WHO DID your sister PLAY basketball with?
REWRITE THE SENTENCE IN TO (-) OR (?) I read a newspaper on the train.(-)
I DIDN'T read a newspaper on the train.
REWRITE THE SENTENCE IN TO (-) OR (?) Susan liked the movie.(WHAT?)
REWRITE THE SENTENCE IN TO (-) OR (?) My wife bought a new hat this morning. (WHAT?
WHAT DID my wife BUY this morning?
REWRITE THE SENTENCE IN TO (-) OR (?) My sister played basketball with her friends.(-)
My sister DIDN'T PLAY basketball with her friends.
REWRITE THE SENTENCE IN TO (-) OR (?) They ate lunch at the cafeteria.(?)
WHERE DID they EAT lunch?
REWRITE THE SENTENCE IN TO (-) OR (?) He went to school yesterday. (-)
He DIDN'T GO to school yesterday
What do you did last night?
What DID you DO last night?
He weren’t at home last night.
He WASN'T at home last night.
I was read that book last year
I READ that book last year
Was you late for the meeting?
WERE you late for the meeting?
I wanted to went to Montreal two years ago
I wanted to GO to Montreal two years ago
. Was she buy a new car yesterday?
. DID she buy a new car yesterday?
Did you busy last Monday?
WERE you busy last Monday?
. I not finished my homework last night.
. I DID not FINISH my homework last night.
Did Maria drove to work this morning?
Did Maria DRIVE to work this morning?
They eat dinner at six o’clock yesterday.
They ATE dinner at six o’clock yesterday.