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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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hear ... sb (response)
hear from sb
hear ... /... sth/sb
hear about/of sth/sb
disadvantage ... sth
disadvantage of sth
decide ... sth
decide on sth
deal ... sth
deal with sth
put the blame ... sb/sth
put the blame on sb/sth
blame sb/sth ... sth
blame sb/sth for sth
hopeless ... sth
hopeless at sth
mean ... sb
mean to sb
suspicious ... sb/sth
suspicious of sb/sth
similar ... sth
similar to sth
tired ... sb/sth
tired of sb/sth
terrified ... sb/sth
terrified of sb/sth
satisfied ... sth
satisfied with sth
responsible ... sth
responsibe for sth
kind ... sb
kind to sb
pleased ... sth
pleased with sth
keen .. sth
keen on sth
patient ... sb
patient with sb
take advantage ...
take advantage of
head ...
head for
think ... sb/sth
think about sb/sth
suffer ...
suffer from
save ...
save from
react ...
react to
hope ... sth
hope for sth
fail ... sth
fail in sth
depend ... sb
depend on sb
regard sb/sth ...
regard sb/sth as
crash ... sb/sth
crash into sb/sth
aim ... sb/sth
aim at sb/sth
smie ... sb
smile at sb
search ... sb/sth
search for sb/sth
reply ... sb/sth
reply to sb/sth
warn sb .../... sb/sth
warn sb of/about sb/sth
worried ... sb/sth
worried about sb/sth
upset ... sth
upset about sth
suprised .../... sth
suprised at/by sth
sorry ... doing sth
sorry for doing sth
sorry ... sth
sorry about sth
proud ... sb/sth
proud of sb/sth
write ... sb
write to sb
wait ... sb/sth
wait for sb/sth
shout ... sb
shout at sb
rude ... sb
rude to sb
polite ... sb
polite to sb
differ ... sb/sth
differ from sb/sth
different .../... sb/sth
different to/from sb/sth
complain ... sb ... sb/sth
complain to sb about sb/sth
annoyed ... sb ... sth
annoyed with sb for sth
angry .../... sb ... sth
angry at/with sb for sth
look ... sb/sth
look at sb/sth
listen ... sb/sth
listen to sb/sth
laugh ... sb/sth
laugh at sb/sth
invite sb ... a place
invite sb to a place
interested ... sth
interested in sth
explain sth ... sb
explain sth to sb
borrow sth ... sb
borrow sth from sb
weak ... sth
weak in sth
brilliant/good/bad ... sth
brilliant/good/bad at sth
married ... sb
married to sb
engaged ... sth
engaged in sth
engaged ... sb
engaged to sb
ask sb ... sth
ask sb for sth
ask ... sth
ask about sth
care ... sb/sth
care for sb/sth
take care ... sb/sth
take care of sb/sth
discuss sth ... sb
discuss sth with sb
concentrate ... sth
concentrate on sth
believe ... sth
believe in sth
full ... sth
full of sth
famous ... sth
famous for sth
afraid ... sb/sth
afraid of sb/sth
leave ... place
leave a place
get ... a place (conversation)
get to a place
arrive ... a big place
arrive in a big place
arrive ... a small place
arrive at a small place
work ... sb/sth
work for sb/sth
wait ... sb/sth
wait for sb/sth
stay ... (a place)
stay at a place
look ... sb/sth
look at sb/sth
live ... (a place)
live in (a place)
listen ... sb/sth
listen to sb/sth
come ... (a place)
come from (a place)
belong ... sb
belong to sb