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modals must/ mustn't

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What's this sign?
You mustn't eat or drink here.
What's this sign?
You must wear gloves.
What's this sign?
You must wear a mask.
What's this sign?
You must wear a seat belt.
What's this sign?
You mustn't ride a bike here.
What's this sign?
You mustn't swim here.
What's this sign?
You mustn't talk here.
What does this sign express: Wait please! You must/ mustn't ______. (line)
Wait please! You must wait in the line!
What does this sign express: It's a red walking light.You must/ mustn't ______. (road)
It's a red walking light. You mustn't cross the road.
What does this sign express: No photos! You must/ mustn't ______.  (camera)
No photos! You must turn off your camera!
What does this sign express: It's quiz time! You must/ mustn't ______. (cheat)
It's quiz time! You mustn't cheat.
What does this sign express: Be nice to others! You must/ mustn't ______. (fight)
Be nice to others! You mustn't fight
What does this sign express: You must/ mustn't ______ in class. (phones)
You must turn off your phones in class.
What does this sign express: You must/ mustn't ______. (enter)
You may not/ mustn't enter here.
What does this sign express: You must/ mustn't ______. (this way)
You must go this way ONLY
What does this sign express: You must/ mustn't ______. (slow down)
You must slow down
What does this sign express: You must/ mustn't ______. (stop)
You must stop