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Labeling Feelings

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You were not prepared for a test in science and then when you came into class you found out the teacher postponed it until next week. How do feel? I feel ____
I feel relieved
You were not prepared for a test in science and then when you came into class you found out the teacher postponed it until next week. How do feel? I feel ____
I feel relieved
You were not prepared for a test in science and then when you came into class you found out the teacher postponed it until next week. How do feel? I feel ____
I feel relieved
You were excited that you were going to a movie but then found out your parents wouldn't let you go. How do you feel? I feel ____
I feel disappointed
You went to bed at 2:00 AM on a school night. So today at school you feel _____
I feel tired, exhausted, fatigued
Your teacher is teaching a new concept and you don't understand it. How do you feel? I feel ____
I feel frustrated, annoyed
You found out one of your friends had a birthday party and didn't invite you. How do you feel? I feel ____
I feel hurt, sad, upset, disappointed
Your classroom was quietly working when you accidentally burped and everyone looks at you. How do you feel? I feel ____
I feel embarassed
During recess a student was teasing you and you didn't like it. How do you feel? I feel ____
I feel upset, angry, hurt
Your are doing independent work in class and you are stuck. You go up to your teacher's desk to ask for help but she is busy with other students. How do you feel? I feel ____
I feel annoyed, frustrated, anxious
You really wanted a new gaming system and your parents surprised you with it when you got home from school. How do you feel? I feel ____
Excited, thrilled
During recess one of your friends falls and breaks his arm. An ambulance transports him to the hospital. How do you feel? I feel ____
I feel worried, nervous, anxious
You finished your homework and then your mom accidentally threw it in the garbage. How do you feel? I feel _____
I feel angry, frustrated, aggravated