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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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<Sorry I haven’t written sooner> and "that’s all for now" are examples of (parts of an email)
Opening and closing remarks
What do we use dashes for?
To make emphasis on what comes next
How many uses does present continuous have? Explain them / set examples
Something happening now + temporary action + plan for near future
Tell me the three types of adverbs we have learnt and set an example for each.
Of comment + of degree + of manner
"Safe" can be a noun and an adjective. Tell me, in English, what each means.
As a noun, it is a place where you keep important / expensive things such as jewellery. As an adjective, it means the opposite of dangerous.
"While" is followed by ... and "when" is followed by present simple / present continuous
While + present continuous / when + present simple
We always need to sign off. Give me three examples to do it.
Kind regards / With love / Best wishes / Sincerely ...
What three aspects may we take into account to guess the meaning of a word we don’t know?
Position in the sentence + word category + possible significant ending
Suffixes meaning “with” and “without” plus examples of each in a sentence
-ful and -less; sentences ?
When we combine two actions that happened in the past, what tense do we use to refer to the action that happened first? Which one do we use to refer to the later?
The one happening first:past perfect; the later action: past simple
Still can mean ______________, _____________ and ______________ (word category or meaning, both are valid answers)
"however" / adverb ; "quiet" / adjective ; "continuing until now" / adverb
Over can mean: ____________________ and ______________________
"more than" and "finished"
Advise looks like ________ in Spanish but it actually means __________ (Spanish translation)
"aviso" / <aconsejar>
Report looks like ________ in Spanish but it actually means __________ (Spanish translation)
"reportaje" / <informe>
What is the difference between burglar, robber and thief?
Burglar: steal in a house, normally when there is no one inside; A robber uses weapons or violance, and a thief doesn't use it.
What is the difference between kill and murder?
If you kill someone, it might be by accident. If you murder someone, you cause the death of a person intentionally.
Use a phrasal verb to tell me "cause something to work"
turn on
Use a phrasal verb to tell me "have the idea for"
come up with
Use a phrasal verb to tell me "close or stop something from working"
Turn off
Use a phrasal verb to tell me "enter a place illegally"
break into
Use a phrasal verb to tell me "cause something to stop working"
break down
Use a phrasal verb to tell me "become popular"
catch on
Use a phrasal verb to tell me "be informed about"
keep up with
Use a phrasal verb to tell me "happen"
Go on
What is the difference between rob and steal?
Rob: its object is the place or person that owned the thing stolen; steal takes as object the thing taken from a person.