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Real World 2

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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use to/ eat/ hands/ with/ when/ you/ 3 years old ?
Did you use to eat with your hands when you were 3 years old
recycle /plastic bags/ Daniella/ use to / didn´t
Daniella didn´t use to recycle plastic bags
Make a sentence: would/ running/ morning /on the beach/ I/ every Sunday
I would go running on the beach every Sunday
We need to s........... a petition if we want the governmet to change something
The governemt has decided to h.......... and election next month
Candela and Aldara have decided to .................a campaign to raise awarness of climate change
Silvia has just signed...............to dance classes in Rivas
Candela doesn´t know who her parents voted................in the last election
Alexandra would like to r....................money for UNICEF
People .......... (do not) recycle much when Aki´s parents were her age
Vega/ be/ tired / because / she/ not sleep /well
Vega was tired because she hadn´t slept well
Alba/ never/ eat/ pumkin pie/ before/ go/ to Dublin/
Alba had never eaten pumpkin pie before she went to Dublin
By /time/ I get up/ Aldara/ eat /all the cupcakes
By the time I got up, Aldara had eaten all the cupcakes
Daniel and Pablo............ (arrive) late to 100 Montaditos for lunch as it had already closed
Nerea...............(wait) 3 hours for the One direction concert when the ticket office finally opened
had waited
(You/try)...... Japanese food before you went to that Mexican restaurant?
Had you tried
By the time Daniella finished her homework, her mum ...................... (make dinner)
had made dinner
It´s incredible that some people don´t believe that climate ...............is real