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Colonial Brazil 1

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Name at least 2 conflicts that happen during the colonial Brazil
War of the Emboabas / Inconfidência mineira / Revolt of the Tailors
What was the goal of the Jesuits?
Educate and convert people to the Catholicism.
Which country most receive African slaves in the American territory?
General governors were also called ____________________.
Vice kings
What was the first capital of Brazil?
When did the Royal Family arrive in Brazil?
What was the term used to described the Portuguese who owned the hereditary captaincies?
In the 16th century, people explored _____________ and developed the cultivation of _________________.
Pau brasil - sugarcane
True or false: There were 15 captaincies during the colonial Brazil.
True or false: Brazil was divided in 10 hereditary captancies
True or false: British, Dutch and French people tried to invade Brazil
True or false: Only British tried to invade Brazil.
Complete the sentence: Acoording to the Treaty of Tordesillas, Spain had control over the lands at __________________ of the line.
Complete the sentence: Acoording to the Treaty of Tordesillas, Portugal had control over the lands at __________________ of the line.
What was the Treaty of Tordesillas?
An agreement between Portugal and Spain to divide the world's lands.
Who were called the first inhabitants of Brazil?
Name two explorers/navigators who were responsible for the discovery of the American territory
Christopher Columbus and Pedro Alvarez Cabral
When was Brazil "discovered" officially?
in 1500