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Bog Bodies Battle

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During recent conservation by Roly Read, the bog body was kept refrigerated at 4degrees and brought out for examination for periods of X hours at a time?
Tollund man is a famous bog body from which country?
Which period of time was Cashel man from?
Bronze Age
What food has been found to have been stored in bogs?
Clonycavan mans's hair gel proved there were trade links to Europen countries. Which countries might this have been?
France or Spain
To the nearest 10, how many bog bodies have been discovered in ireland since 1750?
What types of plants thrive in bogs?
Large areas of hillside and flatland, where rainfall is greater than 1200mm are typical areas, where which type of wetland is found?
Blanket bog
Outline one 'ethical consideration' which is required by archaeologists in the excavation of human remains.
The excavation must be 1. within the law 2. Must be treated as people 3. Its a finite scientific resource 4. legitimate public interest
When excavating human remains, you start at the skull, then neck and torso. What comes next?
Arms and legs
If human remains are found stretched out and face down, how is it described?
Extended prone
The analysis of tooth enamel can assist in determining a person's place of origin. What is the scientific term for this analysis?
Oxygen Isotope analysis
List 3 places where human remains can be found?
Pit, mound, cist, megalithic tomb.
What are bog bodies soaked in to ensure preservation?
PEG 400 solution
What are bog bodies sprayed with every 20 minutes, to avoid them drying out, during examination?
Deionised water