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Of Mice and Men- Characters

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What do Curley and Carlson have a hard time understanding?
Why George and Slim seem serious and upset
What does George do while he describes the farm to Lennie?
He shoots him in the back of the head.
Where does George find Lennie?
At the riverbed where they stayed the night before going to the ranch
What do the men decide to do when they discover the dead body?
They set out to kill Lennie
What happens when Curley's wife tells Lennie to touch her hair more gently?
Lennie gets scared, suffocates her, and breaks her neck.
What was Curley's wife's dream life?
To move to Hollywood and become a movie star
What does Curley's wife tell Crooks, Candy, and Lennie?
That she's very lonely and doesn't like Curley
He suggests that maybe George won't return from town.
What possibility does Crooks upset Lennie with?
How does Lennie think he'll be punished for what he has done?
George won't let him take care of the rabbits on their farm.
After killing Curley’s wife, Lennie imagines two things which come to punish him. What were these two things?
Aunt Clara and a giant rabbit
Who is the only man to understand the bond between Lennie and George?
Before George meets Lennie in the woods in the final scene, whose gun does he take?
What does Curley’s wife offer to let Lennie touch?
Her hair
Who discovers Curley's dead wife?
This is a cocky man who wore high-heeled boots to distinguish himself from the field hands.
This is a man who had lost his hand, and was now as old as his dog.
This character had a dream that was not connected at all with the American Dream.
Curley's wife
This man complained in several occasions about an animal that was bothering him.
This is a character who only appeared a brief moment when the men arrived to the ranch, and it was said to be a "nice fella".
The Boss
This is a high skilled mule driver, who had an intimate talk with George, in which George confessed some facts about his past.
This is a very lonely character in the ranch, who for a brief moment, felt hope because he was going to participate in George and Lennie's dream.