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Travel Day Trivia

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The bus stop is crowded. Should you go to the next one?
Yes, if the bus tracker says a bus is coming shortly. Otherwise, you should move away from the crowd to be comfortable.
Why are these seats different than the other seats on the bus?
Priority seating for those with disabilities and expecting mothers.
You see a parent with a stroller getting on the bus. You are sitting in a priority seat. What do you do?
Move to the back of the bus so they can sit
Tell them to fold up the stroller
Ignore them
Tell someone else to move
You see an older person get on the bus and you have a front seat. What should you do?
Get up and move to the back
Tell the older person to go to the back of the bus
Call them old and ignore them
Tell someone else to get up so they can sit
There are several bus routes that can take you to work.
Someone offers you food. Should you take it?
Someone ask you for money on the bus stop. What should you do?
Ignore them or say no
Give them $1
Give them $5
Call them broke!
You have your phone out and someone walks past and snatches it. What do you do?
Tell the bus driver immediately and take down bus number
Tell the bus driver when the bus stops
Tell the bus driver when you get home
Tell the bus driver in text
Oh no! You missed your stop. What do you do?
Tell the bus driver. Ask for help getting to your location
Stop the bus on your own
Get off with a stranger
Where can you find the bus number?
Front, Side, Back, Inside
Under the bus
On the tires
On the bus seats
If you leave your backpack on the bus, what do you do?
Use the bus number to call and see if it was found.
Run after the bus
What does CTA stand for?
Chicago Transit Authority
Your bus card should never leave your wallet
What do you do if your bus card doesn't work?
Ask the teacher for a new bus card.
Do you talk to other riders on the bus?
If they ask for directions
If they offer food
The bus is full. You have to stand to get to work. What do you hold on to?
The poles or handles
Another person
I sit on someone's lap
Do you wear your mask on the bus?
Do I throw garbage out of the window or leave it on the bus?
If no one sees me
How do you let the bus driver know you need to get off of the bus?
Pull the string to ring the bell
Go up and let them know
Open the backdoor yourself
Let a stranger know
Listening to headphones is OK to do on the bus when traveling to work
Do you eat on the bus?
Only if my hands are clean
Keep your hands to yourself on the bus
Where on the bus can you find the route, bus number, and street names?
Front, Back, Side
On the tires
Under the bus
Buses and trains are at full capacity.