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(English) Party & Co!

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Pictionary: draw your teacher playing the saxophone
your drawing
Scattergories: (G) school subject / country / brand / musical instrument
open answer
Odd one out: key, gum, cord, note
Spot the error: how many leafs are there on the floor?
how many LEAVES are there on the floor?
Pictionary: draw an alien reading a book
your drawing
Scattergories: (R) clothes / city / celebrity / animal
open answer
Odd one out: kind, friendly, terrific, awful
Spot the error: You and I should to travel someday
You and I should travel someday
Pictionary: draw a turtle using headphones
your drawing
Scattergories: (L) country / movie / animal / brand
open answer
Odd one out: tablet, book, laptop, speakers
Spot the error: it's raining a lot! My clothes are totally dry
it's raining a lot! My clothes are totally WET
Pictionary: draw a tornado destroying a house
your drawing
Scattergories: (F) natural disaster / sport / country / brand
open answer
Odd one out: earthquake, windy, snowy, foggy
Spot the error: she don't study here.
she DOESN'T study here.
Pictionary: draw a 3 layer cake with a massive cherry on top
your drawing
Scattergories: (M) food / country / animal / celebrity
open answer
Odd one out: smoothie, spicy, juicy, rich, bland
Spot the error: I have eat two bananas.
 I have EATEN two bananas.