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IceBreak - Question?

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You like to lie boy?
Hmmm why?
What plane you like?
Hmmm why?
You like to sneak out at night?
Hmmm why?
You got a crush?
Hmmm why?
You have a secret?
Hmmm why?
What food will you pick?
Hmmm why?
What toy will you buy?
Hmmm why?
Like Transformer?
Hmmm why?
You like icebreaker
Hmmm why?
Do you like aviation?
Hmmm why?
Do you often play games?
Hmmm why?
Have you ever go to detention for farting?
Hmmm why?
Have you ever sleep on a exam or class?
Hmmm why?
Do you ever cheated on a exam or quiz?
Hmmm why?
Do you like school
Hmmm why?
Do you often stay up night
Hmmm why?
Do you often eat junk food?
Hmmm why?
Do you like roblox or Minecraft?
Hard choice?
Do you exercise?
Hmmm why?
Do you like birthdays and eat others people birthday cake?
If yes: you will never get invited ever again, if no: dude you will be a pro