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Would you ever...?

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Would you ever wear a winter coat in the summer?
Yes, I would if.... No, I wouldn't because if I did....
Would you ever scream for half an hour without a break?
Yes, I would if.... No, I wouldn't because if I did....
Would you ever go without speaking to anyone for one week?
Yes, I would if.... No, I wouldn't because if I did....
Would you ever deliberately tear up money?
Yes, I would if.... No, I wouldn't because if I did....
Would you ever wear sunglasses at night?
Yes, I would if.... No, I wouldn't because if I did....
Would you ever move to Alaska?
Yes, I would if.... No, I wouldn't because if I did....
Would you ever cross the street without looking?
Yes, I would if.... No, I wouldn't because if I did....
Would you ever crash your car into a lamp post?
Yes, I would if.... No, I wouldn't because if I did....
Would you ever fast for seven days?
Yes, I would if.... No, I wouldn't because if I did....
Would you ever give all your money to charity?
Yes, I would if.... No, I wouldn't because if I did....
Would you ever spend a month on a desert island?
Yes, I would if.... No, I wouldn't because if I did....
Would you ever go swimming with your clothes on?
Yes, I would if.... No, I wouldn't because if I did....
Would you ever deliberately sit on an ant hill?
Yes, I would if.... No, I wouldn't because if I did....
Would you ever drink a liter of whiskey?
Yes, I would if.... No, I wouldn't because if I did....
Would you ever buy yourself a lion?
Yes, I would if.... No, I wouldn't because if I did....
Would you ever go out with someone you really didn't like?
Yes, I would if.... No, I wouldn't because if I did....
Would you ever eat five dozen bananas in a day?
Yes, I would if.... No, I wouldn't because if I did....