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Unit 2 zero/first conditional 5th grade

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name three popular applications that are installed on a mobile phone
Name three things that turn off and turn on
phone, computers, laptops, printers, robots,
Guess the vocabulary l: If you ______ your laptop, you _____ save battery.
turn off; will
Guess the vocabulary: If you text in class and are caught, you _____ get in trouble by your teacher.
Describe EMAILS
Describe a PRINTER
Guess the vocabulary: We don't always use _____ to store documents or programs, USBs have become more common.
Guess the vocabulary: If your _____ is updated, your computer will run quickly and smoothly.
Guess the vocabulary: When we use a tablet our ______ is digital and on the screen.
Guess the conditional and vocabulary: When I spend too many hours looking at a _____, I always get a headache
screen; zero conditional
Guess the vocabulary words: Usually we don't use a _____ when we use ______, our fingers help us scroll up and down
mouse, laptops/ mobile phones / tablets
Guess the conditional: In the future I think there will be a tablet in every room of every house,
First Conditional
Guess the vocabulary: If I get bored during an online class I _____ with my friends on Classroom
Guess the vocabulary: In order to ______ that game you need to _____ the application first.
download, install
Guess the conditional: I believe that we will have robots do all our food shopping in 20 years.
First Conditional
Guess the vocabulary word: If you _____ the picture then everyone in the group will see it in their Classroom folder.
Guess the vocabulary: If you _____ the tablet, the screen will go black.
turn off
Guess the conditional: I think that everyone will need a Apple Watch in the future.
First Conditional
Answer: What will happen if you leave your house at 8:30am?