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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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He works 10 hours ...day, 7 days ... week in ... his office ... New York
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....Amazon river is ... 2nd longest river on ... Earth.
... Sahara desert is ... largest desert on ...Earth.
She spent her summer on ... cruise in ... Atlantic ocean.
a, the
I want to buy ... dress. This is ... most beautiful dress in ... world.
a, the, the
She was ... talented witch. She brew ... best potions in ... world.
a, the, the
Beware of ... spiders. ... spiders are dangerous here in ... Australia.
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I read ... 50 pages of .. book in ... evening before I go to ... bed.
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I always drink .. cup of ... coffee in ... morning before I go to ... work.
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I am ... vampire. I don't eat ... garlic bread, I drink ...blood.
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There was ... haunted house in front of us. ... haunted house looked creepy.
a, the
I heard ... werewolf in the forest. ... werewolf was howling at ... moon.
a, the, the
I saw ... skeleton in the graveyard. ... skeleton rattled its bones.
a, -
There is ... gift for Izzy at ... home. I'll wrap ... gift in ... white paper.
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Mariam loves ... music. She plays ... piano three times ... week.
-, the, a
We found ... tomb and ... mummies in it. They all were in ... Egypt.
a, -, -
I saw ... witch at ... night yesterday. ... witch was flying on her broomstick.
a, -, the