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Childhood Games

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How many tiles are there in the European-style Dominoes set?
"Musical chairs" - the staple of many parties has another name, which is "Trip to Rome". True or False?
False. Its other name is "Trip to Jerusalem"
The game "Pacman" was invented by a Japanese company. True or False?
What is the most popular version of Tetris called? Hint: G_ _e B_y.
Game Boy
What is the name of one of the most popular card games loved by kids and even adults all over the globe that starts with a "U"?
In the game "rock-scissors-paper", if you choose rock, you will be defeated by the person who choose ....
This game is a variant of "tag" in which the player who is "It" is blindfolded. What is it called?
Blind man's buff
Shuttlecock kicking - a timeless game loved by many generations throughout the world, was invented in Europe. True or False?
False. It was invented in China
This is a game in which two teams pull at opposite ends of a rope until one drags the other over a central line. What is its name?
Tug of war
The game hide-and-seek was invented in the 2nd century BC. True or False?
Can you guess what game is this drawing for?
The game tic-tac-toe was originated in ancient India. True or False?
False. Tic-tac-toe was originated in the ancient Egypt and developed by the Roman Empire.
Can you guess the missing vowel in this game's name? Hint: K_ndama.
The game played in the first round of "The Squid Game" is called ...
Red light, green light