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Amal Unbound ch 31-40

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who came to solve Jawad's problem?
Why was Nasreen so worried?
Because Jawad was away and not answering the phone
Why did Asif say that things are changing?
Because Jawad is in trouble
Why was Amal so angry about the poem?
Because bigger ones always win
Why did Amal ask Asif for a book?
To teach Fatima
What did Amal learn in the literacy center?
To use a computer
Why is Amal attending the literacy center?
To help Khan with his campaign
When was the last time Nasreen visited her family?
11 years ago
Why Nasreen cannot visit her family?
Because Khan Sahib wanted so
Why did Fozia go to Amal's house?
To ask Amal to speak to Nasreen about her debt
What were the ladies at the wedding talking about?
The estate and Nasreen
Why did Amal go home?
For Hafsa's sister's wedding
What did Nasreen promise to Amal?
That she could go home for the wedding.
What place did they pass by while going to Lahore?
Amal's village
Who was going with Nasreen to Lahore?