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My Rows and Piles of Coins Vocabulary Game

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Philip was so excited to talk to his new girlfriend that it was hard to __ texting in class.
You need to __ the books and papers in your desk and locker so you know where everything is.
After I get off work, I have to run some __, so I don't think I can meet for dinner until 7.
Please just drive at a __ pace, or you will make your passengers motion sick.
The newborn deer __ as it tried to walk on its legs for the first time.
Augustine __ one present on Christmas Eve because she was too excited to wait for Christmas.
Use two hands to hold your lunch tray __ so you don't drop all the food.
The dog waited __ near the door for Max to come home from school.
Allen helped his mom do the __ by going to the library to return old books.
Mia rode her bike __ down the big, steep hill with no helmet.
I keep __ of old vocabulary lists paper-clipped together from each semester.
Rogellio __ his hats in his closet so he could find them more easily.
The start up is having a big meeting with people who might be __ to show their business idea and ask for money.
Keep your transportation card charged, unless you want to carry around small __ of cash to pay for the bus every time.
Start cleaning out your closet by making a pile of clothes you want to keep, and clothes you want to take to the __.
thrift shop
Christina's __ was not enough to live in an apartment by herself, so she started looking on Facebook to find a roommate.
Anjar quit his job as a computer technician because he wanted to work in __ helping customers choose the right computer at the store.
__ are starting to care about the environment more and more, so Starbucks started using paper straws and biodegradable forks and spoons.
Lily has enough __ to not work and rest for 4 months while she recovers from surgery.
If you open a big bag of chips and eat from the bag while watching TV, it's hard to __ eating the whole thing.
What __ are you willing to pay for new headphones?
I was __ to buy the handbag because it was on sale, but I knew I didn't really need another one.