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Geology Review

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Why do scientific experiments need to have a control group?
This is a baseline for comparison. The control group will show the researcher what to expect if a variable is NOT manipulated.
What is a dependent variable?
The variable that you MEASURE (time to do the tasks)
What is an independent variable?
The variable that you CHANGE (taped thumb)
What is an adaptation?
An adaptation is a physical trait of an organism that aids in its chances of survival, increases the organism’s “fitness” to survive in its environment.
What is the difference between background extinctions and mass extinctions?
Background extictions happen whan an organism goes extinct because it is no longer able to thrive in the ecosystem. Mass extinction events are large events.
When is the earliest evidence of life? What type of life is it?
Bacteria, roughly 3 billion years ago.
How old is the Earth?
4.6 Billion years old
You just found traces of plant life in your sample. What does this indicate?
Warm climate.
If you have CO2 present in your sample, what does that indicate?
CO2 is connected to temperature. High CO2 levels indicate warm climates.
What is a dust scale and what does it measure?
A dust scale is 0 to 5, this is a scale that measures the amount of volcanic ash in the atmosphere. A lot of dust indicates high volcanic activity.
When you measure the layers of snowfall it is an indicator of what?
Temperature. Thicker layers indicate cooler temperature, warmer temperatures have thinner layers of ice.
Why are ice cores excellent tools to learn about past environments?
Ice Cores are undisturbed, preserved the history of our climate.
What is a daughter atom?
The decayed form of the element (changed atom).
What is a parent atom?
The radioactive form of the element (potential to change).
What is a half life?
Each element has a set amount of time that half of the radioactive parent atoms decay into daughter atoms.
What is radiometric dating?
Comparing the amount of radioactive form of the element (parent atoms) of a rock or fossil to the decayed product (daughter atoms).
Explain why geologists, paleontologists and other members of the scientific community use relative dating so often?
Relative Dating is cheaper and you may apply it at the site of discovery, this method is regularly used by geologists for most purposes.
What is relative dating?
Studying the relationships between rock units. Find two widely separated rock units and compare the fossils found in the rocks. Older fossils are the lowest.
What is the Law of Superposition?
In undisturbed rock, older rocks are beneath younger rocks.
What is an index fossil?
Index Fossils are fossils that were widespread for a short amount of time (geologically speaking).
What is an intrusion?
When magma cools inside the fault of the Earth.
What is an extrusion?
When magma cools on the top of the Earth.
When an organism dies (plant or animal) why don’t they ALL become fossils?
Most of the time the organism decays or is eaten.
How are fossils formed?
Fossils are always found in sedimentary rock because they are formed when layers of sediments like clay, mud or sand layer and harden over an organism.
What are the two types of fossils and give an example?
1) Remain/Body Fossils- examples are shells, teeth, bones, fur or feathers. 2) Imprint Fossils- examples are footprints, eggs, leaves and feces.
Why are most fossils invertebrates?
Invertebrates often have shells or exoskeletons that preserve well, also more than 95% of all organisms today are invertebrates.
What are fossils?
The naturally preserved remains or traces of life that lived in the geologic past.
Why are sedimentary rocks the only type of rock to contain fossils?
The movement of weathering rock will cover an organism and preserve the imprint or hard remains. Igneous and metamorphic rock have too much heat and pressure.
What is the rock cycle?
The rock cycle is a model that describes the formation, breakdown, and reformation of a rock. Sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic are the 3 rocks groups.
What are the two types of weathering?
Mechanical (One the lab we called these physical and biological) and Chemical
What is weathering?
Weathering is the process of breaking rocks into smaller pieces.
How are mountains created?
Convergent plate boundaries of 2 continental plates.
Earthquakes are created for this type of boundary.
Transform Plate Boundary.
What creates volcanoes?
The Earth is not getting bigger. What happens to keep the Earth the same size?
Subduction. When an oceanic plate and a continental plate collide, the oceanic plate goes beneath the land plate and melts. Atlantic plate is making mountains
Seafloor spreading is caused by this type of boundary, what is it?
Divergent plate boundary. In class we talked about the Mid Atlantic Ridge, in the Atlantic Ocean we have a HUGE rift that is filling in with magma.
What is convection and how is it related to plate tectonics?
Convection is heat rising from the inner iron core of the Earth, the heat spreads out in waves. This heats the asthenosphere, which moves the lithosphere plate
What are the four types of boundaries discussed?
Divergent, convergent- collisional, transform, and convergent-subduction.
The Earth’s outer layer is made of plates that have moved throughout history is called?
Plate Tectonics