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Present simple vs Present continuous
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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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We sometimes (eat) fish and chips.
We sometimes eat fish and chips.
At the moment it ( not snow)
At the moment it isn't snowing
William (not tidy) his bedroom
William does not tidy his bedroom
Sarah (hate) eating soup.
Sarah hates eating soup
The girl often (drink) milk for breakfast.
The girl often drinks milk for breakfast.
Leonor (help) her father in the shop.
Leonor helps her father in the shop.
My sister ( not do) any housework this week.
My sister is not doing any housework this week.
Lorena often (wear) sunglasses
Lorena often wears sunglasses
Patricia (not understand) English
Patricia does not understand English
My cousin(live)in San Francisco at the moment
My cousin is living in San Francisco at the moment
Katherine (work) in the farm in summer.
Katherine is working in the farm in summer.
Tina (wear) a black dress today.
Tina is wearing a black dress today .
Look! The bus (come)
Look! The bus is coming
Martin (wash) his car every Friday
Martin washes his car every Friday
My father / watch a documentary film on TV
My father is watching a documentary film on TV
Mr. Anderson / not like fast food
Mr. Anderson doesn't like fast food
Tess / talk on the phone right now
Tess is talking on the phone right now
We / have lunch together on Fridays
We have lunch together on Fridays
Collin / sometimes miss the bus to school
Collin sometimes misses the bus to school
Every Tuesday Terry / play the drums
Every Tuesday Terry plays the drums
I / sometimes sing in the bathroom
I sometimes sing in the bathroom
In the summer the sun / set late
In the summer the sun sets late
The cat / often/ scratch the furniture
The cat often scratches the furniture
Louise / always /drive to work
Lousie always drives to work
Charlie / make a snowman right now
Charlie is making a snowman right now
Tom / play football these days
Tom is playing football these days