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B&B D4

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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(p.111) What superpowers is Brenda going to use?
She is going to use the superpower of strength and the superpower of invisibility.
. (p.111) What is he going to use this superpower for?
He is going to fly to the harbour to get a rope off a ship and tie Tina up.
(p.111) What superpower is Ben going to use?
Ben is going to use the superpower of flight.
(p.111) What are Ben and Brenda doing?
They are coming up with a plan to stop Tina from destroying the city.
(p.110) What has Tina destroyed so far?
She has made the clothes shop collapse.
(p.110) What has Tina got to do?
She has got to learn to control her temper.
(p.110) What did Tina do then?
She had a tantrum.
(p.110) What did the shop assistant tell her?
She told her they didn’t make dresses for giants.
(p.110) Did the shop have any dresses in Tina’s size?
No, they didn’t have any dresses in her size.
(p.110) What did Tina want to buy?
She wanted to buy a dress.
(p.110) What do Ben and Brenda ask the police chief?
They ask him why Tina is so angry.
(p.112) Where is Tina?
She is outside the clothes shop.
(p.111) What are Ben and Brenda doing?
They are coming up with a plan.
Where are Ben and Brenda?
They are in the police car.