Edit Game
Be / Present Simple / Numbers

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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____ I a programmer? (BE)
____ she a teacher? (BE)
____ you a student? (BE)
What is this?
TRUE or FALSE: A support technician gives support to clients.
A web designer ________ help people over the phone. (NOT / HELP)
doesn't help / does not help
The data entry operator _____ data into a computer. (INPUT)
What's this?
system unit
Correct this sentence - "He don't go to work."
"He DOESN'T go to work."
Correct this sentence - "The keyboard are broken."
"The keyboard is broken."
Correct this sentences - "Does you go to school here?"
"DO you go to school here?"
Change the sentence to a negative: "She is from Portugal."
She isn't / She is not from Portugal.
What is this?
Make this an interrogative - "He is a software tester."
Is he a software tester?
How do yo say this number? - 20
Change this sentence to the NEGATIVE: "I am a network administrator."
I am not a network administrator.
We _____ at Hipatia right now. (BE)
How do you say this number? - 432
four hundred and thirty-two
What time _____ this class ____? (START)
What time does this class start?
My mom ____ a teacher too. (BE)
How do yo say this number? - 1,555
One thousand five hundred and fifty-five