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I Spy with My Two Little Eyes!

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I spy with my two little eyes, a two-wheeled object that you can ride. It starts with letter B.
I spy with my two little eyes, a fat animal. It starts with letter P.
I spy with my two little eyes, a food that is sweet and cold. It starts with letter I.
Ice cream
I spy with my two little eyes, an object we use in school that starts with letter B.
I spy with my two little eyes, an animal that that hops and it starts with letter K.
I spy with my two little eyes, something that we use in bathing and it starts with letter S.
I spy with my two little eyes, a color that starts with letter P.
I spy with my two little eyes, something that we wear on our wrist and it starts with letter W.
I spy with my two little eyes, a vegetable that is color purple and it starts with letter E.
I spy with my two little eyes, an animal that flies high and it starts with letter E.
I spy with my two little eyes, an animal that lives in the water and it starts with letter O.
I spy with my two little eyes, something hot and we need to use shades when looking at it. It starts with letter S.
I spy with my two little eyes, an object that is bouncy and it starts with letter B.
I spy with my two little eyes, an instrument that starts with letter G and ends with letter R.
I spy with my two little eyes, a fruit that starts with letter A, and it is color is red.
I spy with my two little eyes, an animal that starts with letter D and they are man's best friend.
I spy with my two little eyes something beginning with P and we use this in writing.
I spy with my two little eyes something that is soft. We love hugging this thing and it starts with letter P .
I spy with my two little eyes something that is so sweet and it starts with letter C.
I spy with my two little eyes something that is the color yellow and it starts with letter B.