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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The planets orbit around the ............ (Sun, Moon or Eath)..........
Around the Sun
Which planet is covered in water?
How many moons does Mars have?
Mars has two moons
Which is the smallest planet in our solar system?
Mercury is the smallest planet in our solar system
How long does it take for light from the Sun to reach Earth : ......... minutes
Takes just over 8 minutes to reach the Earth.
How many planets are there in our solar system?
Eight. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Pluto is no longer classified as a planet
On March 20, 1960, Neil Armstrong put his left foot on the rocky Moon. TRUE OR FALSE?
FALSE. It was on July 20, 1969
Venus was once a piece of Earth before a collision. TRUE OR FALSE
FALSE. A collision broke a piece of the Earth away to create the Moon.
The first footprints on the moon will stay for millions of years. TRUE OR FALSE?
TRUE. There’s no weather, wind, or water to disturb them
Venus with 450°C.. Mercury is closer to the Sun but it has a very thin atmosphere!
The sunset in Mars appears Blue. TRUE OR FALSE?
TRUE. According to NASA, would appear bluish to human observers.
The temperature in the void of space is about −........ °C.
-270.45 °C
One day on Venus is longer than one year on Earth. TRUE OR FALSE?
TRUE. Venus has a slow axis rotation which takes 243 Earth days to complete its day.