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Banff National Park!

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TRUE OR FALSE? Magnificent is something that is very beautiful
TRUE OR FALSE? Canoeing is water and summer activity
What does "to explore" mean?
To learn or travel to an a new place
TRUE OR FALSE: Banff is only nice to visit in the winter
What is an example of a winter activity in Banff?
Snowtube, Ski, Snowboard, Ice Walk, Sleigh Rides, Dog-sled
What is an example of a summer activity in Banff?
Swimming, Hiking, Biking, Animal-watching, Horseback-riding, Canoeing
What is an example of a wild animal that lives in Banff?
Bears, caribou, sheep and more!
How old are the mountains in Banff?
45-120 million years old!
TRUE OR FALSE: Banff is Canada's first National Park