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Can you use a gerund?

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I attempted ____________ (win) the game but it gave away my points.
No! You need to use an infinitive (to win)
The dog began _____________ (run) as soon as I threw the ball.
Yes! You can use a gerund (running)
He hesitated ______________ (ask) for her help.
No! You need to use an infinitive (to ask)
I hate ___________ (wake) up before 8 a.m.
Yes! You can use a gerund (waking)
He refused ______________ (stay) late at work.
No! You need to use an infinitive (to stay)
She agreed ___________ (share) her birthday cake with everyone.
No! You need to use an infinitive (to share)
I prefer ___________ (eat) early in the evening.
Yes! You can use a gerund (eating)
Let's continue __________ (practice) our English.
Yes! You can use a gerund (practicing)
Let's continue ____________ (listen) to the song.
Yes! You can use a gerund (listening)
I prefer ________________ (arrive) late because more people are already there.
Yes! You can use a gerund (arriving)
They refused ______________ (go) to the baseball game because they didn't like the team.
No! You need to use an infinitive (to go)
I hesitate ____________ (give) you advice because I don't know much about it.
No! You need to use an infinitive (to give)
I love ______________ (dance) on the weekends.
Yes! You can use a gerund (dancing)
I want ______________ (learn) guitar so I can play in a band.
No! You need to use an infinitive (to learn)
Let's begin ____________ (practice) English together every Saturday.
Yes! You can use a gerund (practicing)
I want to start _____________ (study) Somali.
Yes! You can use a gerund (studying)