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Past Simple

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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My family doesn't like travelling. (when I was little)
My family didn't like travelling when I was little.
I eat varenyky every day. (2 days ago)
2 days ago I ate varenyky.
I go snowboarding every winter. (last winter)
Last winter I went snowboarding.
We aren't actors. (last year)
We weren't actors last year.
She doesn't speak Chinese. (when she was little)
She didn't speak Chinese when she was little.
I don't do my homework because it is boring. (yesterday)
Yesterday I didn't do my homework because it was boring.
I often make mistakes in my test. (last Friday)
Last Friday I made a lot of mistakes in my test.
We are students at school (2 years ago)
Two years ago we were students at school.
I am so tired! (yesterday)
I was so tired yesterday.
My cat usually sleeps a lot. (this morning)
This morning my cat slept a lot.
My sister wants to be an astronaut. (when she was little)
My sister wanted to be an astronaut when she was little.
I have three brothers. (last year)
Last year I had three brothers.