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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Is it better...
90s music / 80s music / 70s music
Is it better...
Naruto or One Piece?
Is it better...
Shrek or Toy Story or Ice Age?
Is it better...
Cats or dogs?
Is it better...
Pasapalabra or La Ruleta de la Suerte?
Is it better...
Takis or Cheetos?
Is it better...
El Hormiguero or La Resistencia?
Is it better...
The Simpsons or Family Guy?
Is it better...
Venom or Joker?
Is it better...
PlayStation 5 or Xbox Series X or Nintendo Switch?
Is it better...
Pizza with or without pineapple?
Is it better...
Tetris or Packman?
Is it better...
Android or iOS?
Is it better...
Nesquik or Cola Cao?
Is it better...
McDonald's or Burger King?
Is it better...
Coca Cola or Pepsi?
Is it better...
Harry Potter or Star Wars?
Is it better...
Tortilla with or without onion?
Is it better...
Instagram or Tik Tok?