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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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There is also a balcony, I often read in it.
There is also a balcony, I often read on it.
The walls are pale brown and on it there are some photos.
The walls are pale brown and on them there are some photos.
Two blak bedside tables.
Two black bedside tables.
My flat is spread over two floors.
It's situated on two floors.
It's the most cheapest rent.
It's the cheapest rent.
It's a pacefull place.
It's a peaceful place.
My kichen is tiny but enought for me.
My kichen is tiny but enough for me.
I removed all the paitings.
I removed all the paintings.
I have a cat and a dog so the floor is full of animal skins.
I have a cat and a dog so the floor is full of animal fur.
I made the cover for the sofa and the pillows by myself.
I made the cover for the sofa and the cushions by myself.
The kitchen hasn't many furniture.
The kitchen hasn't got / doesn't have much furniture. // In the kitchen there isn't much furniture.
It has only one window that is oriented to west.
It has only one window that is facing west.
The walls and the forniture are white.
The walls and the furniture are white.
Is an old house situated in Arezzo.
It is an old house situated in Arezzo.
I take this house with my boyfriend when I was 20 years old.
I took this house with my boyfriend when I was 20 years old.