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Human body- senses, locomotor system etc

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Say four adjectives that can describe how things can feel
examples: Soft, smooth, rough, hard
What types of nerves are found below the skin and send information to the brain when we touch something?
Sensory nerves
The organ of TOUCH is our _____
These two senses are connected: smell and ______
There are four main tastes. Name them
sweet, salty, bitter and sour
On the tongue ___ ____ identify different tastes
Taste buds
Which nerve detects smells and sends the information to the brain?
The olfactory nerve
When we smell, air enters the nose through the ______
In our eyes, the light forms an upside down image on the ____(starts with an r)
What vibrates in the ear when we hear something?
the eardrum
What are the 2 holes in the nose called?
Which sense organ has an iris, pupil and retina?
The eyes
This part of the brain controls INVOLUNTARY actions
the brain stem
What is the control centre of the nervous system?
The brain
Say the 3 parts of the locomotor system
Bones, muscles and joints
This part of the brain controls coordination and balance
The cerebellum
Which sense organ has nostrils?
The nose
This is where our bones connect to each other
This part of your brain controls your heart beating, digestion and breathing
Brain stem
Name two involuntary actions controlled by our brain stem
Breathing, heart beating, digestion etc
This part of the brain controls voluntary actions
What carries information from our sense organs to our brain?
This is the biggest part of the brain
Muscles work by contracting and ____
expanding (or relaxing)
This part of the locomotor system works by contracting and expanding