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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What type of dog is Dante
A Xolo dog
Abuelita asked Miguel if he wanted another what?
What song did Hector write for CoCo?
Remember Me
What happened to Dante?
He became an Alebreje
How did Miguel restore Mama CoCo's memory?
Singing "Rememer Me"
What was the name of the high pitch vocalizing performed in Un Poco Loco?
A Grito
How did Miguel make things right? (Give Hector proper credit)
He revealed the letters Mama CoCo kept/ The Letters
How did Hector get on the Ofrenda?
Mama CoCo had the torn piece of the photo
How did the Riveras expose De la Cruz?
They turned on the camera/ Put him on the Jumbotron
What types of items were placed on the Ofrenda?
Food, beverages, favorite things, candles, marigolds, etc
How did Miguel get home?
He received a blessing
Finish this quote: "Music tore our family apart, but _____ held it together."
What song did Miguel & Hector sing in the contest?
Un Poco Loco
What was the name of Mama Imelda's Alebreje?
Why did Miguel get into trouble at the beginning
He was shining a musicians shoes
Who was the last person to remember Hector
Mama CoCo
Why did Hector want to cross the bridge?
To see his daughter (Mama CoCo)
Why was Mama Imelda upset at Hector?
She thought he abandoned his family.
What CITY does Miguel live in?
Santa Cecilia
Who did Hector often impersonate to get past security?
Frida Kahlo
What are spirit creatures called?
What flower guides spirits to the Land of the Living?
Why couldn't Miguel save Chicharron?
Miguel did not know his stories/ The Land of the Dead runs on Memories
What happens when someone is forgotten?
They disappear from the Land of the Dead/ The Final Death