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Daniel's Lesson Prayer

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Today's Memory Verse was from ?
Deuteronomy 31: 6
What is the Moral of today's Lesson?
Pray to God Every Day. God will Protect You
What happed to the one who plotted against Daniel?
They were put into the Den of Lion.
Whom did God sent to close the mouth of the Lions?
An Angel of the Lord
Was King happy in putting Daniel in the Lion's den?
How many times did Daniel Pray a day?
3 times
What was the law passed in that place?
Pray only to the King.
Darius was the King in which Place
What kind of man was Daniel?
Man of Excellent spirit
Why Daniel was put in Lion's Den?
Because he continued praying to the Lord
Who was put in the Lion's Den?
What is our theme for the day?
No worries Be Happy
Name the King in Today's Story?