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Which invention was invented first? a. the telephone c. books c. the wheel
c. the wheel
T. Alba used to cry a lot when she was a baby. Now she _____ a lot. a. sings b. dances c. does Muay Thai
c. does Muay Thai
I used to crawl. Now I ______. a. sit b. walk c. baby
b. walk
My parents used a ________ when they were kids. a. iphone b. telephone c. mobile phone
b. telephone
What invention is this? a. mobile phone b. telephone c. radio
b. telephone
When was the television invented? a. 1 year ago b. 100 years ago c. 1,000 years ago
b. 100 years ago
What is this invention? a. a printing press b. a paper airplane c. a telephone
a. a printing press
A tyre is a wheel that is made from _______. a. wood b. glass c. rubber
c. rubber
When was the wheel invented? a. yesterday b. 1,000 years ago c. 5,000 years ago
c. 5,000 years ago
What is this invention? a. the wheel b. the telephone c. the television
a. the wheel