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Ch 9 Climate and Climate Regions

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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A warm current brings what kind of climate
warm with a lot of moisture
A cold current brings what kind of climate?
cool and dry
Which climate can only be found in the northern hemisphere?
Taiga or subarctic
Humid continental and subarctic are part of what climate region?
Temperate continental
Humid Subtropical, marine west coast, and mediterranean are part of what climate region?
temperate marine
Tundras and ice caps are part of what climate region?
As latitude increases, temperature _______
As altitude increases, temperature _______
Cold climate found at the top of mountains
tropical wet and dry grassland
What kind of trees are found in the taiga Subarctic)?
Coniferous trees
Which side of a mountain range is in a rain shadow?
Name the 3 factors that affect precipitation
prevailing winds, mountain ranges, and seasonal winds
Name the four factors that affect temperature
altitude, latitude, distance from large bodies of water, and ocean currents
Continental climate temperatures are
A climate is considered dry in the amount of precipitation that falls is less than..
the amount of water that could potentially evaporate
What region of the US is humid subtropical?
Where can you find a tropical wet climate in the US?
In the winter, monsoon winds blow from the _____ to the ______ and bring ____ precipitation.
land, ocean, little to no
In the summer, monsoon winds blow from the ____ to the _____ bringing ______ precipitation.
ocean, land, heavy
Sea and land breezes over a large area that change direction with the seasons are called?
Which side of a mountain is upwind and has a great amount of vegetation?
What zone is 66.5 degrees to 90 degrees north and south?
polar zone
What zone is 23.5 degrees to 66.5 degrees both north and south?
temperate zone
What zone is 23.5 degrees north to 23.5 degrees south?
tropical zone
What word can be used to describe marine climates (specifically temperature)
mild or moderate
The Great Plains on the east side of the Rocky Mts. has what type of climate?
Steppe or Prairie
The scientist Koppen included what factor to determine a climate region?
What kind of climate will you have if you live far from the ocean?
continental climate
Temperate continental climate with short cool summers and bitterly cold winters.
Region that receives less than 25 cm of rain in a year?
Permafrost, mosses, lichens, and wildflowers can be found in what climate region?
Climates are classified according to what 2 factors?
temperature and precipitation
The sun's rays are least direct in what zone?
polar zone
Which zone receives the most direct sunlight?
Tropical zone