Edit Game
Unit 4 : Entertainment

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Sing any song that you know
It's time for you to get bonus point!
Describe the melody of your favorite song
(Name of your favorite song) 's melody is..../ The melody of (Name of your favorite song) is....
Describe the rhythm of your favorite song
(Name of your favorite song) 's rhythm is..../ The rhythm of (Name of your favorite song) is....
Describe the lyrics of your favorite song
(Name of your favorite song) 's lyrics are..../ The lyrics of (Name of your favorite song) are....
Make a question with given words: for/ famous/ What/ Marie Curie?
What was Marie Curie famous for
Make a question with given words: born/ When/ Napoleon
When was Napoleon born?
Respond to your friend's suggestion about watching a horror movie
Yes! I love horrors so much/ I'm sorry...I don't really like it.
Ask about the kind of one song
What is the kind of (name of the song)?/ What kind of (name of the song) is it?
Make a suggestion for watching your favorite movie
Let's watch..../ Why don't we watch..../ How about watching....
What kind of music is it? (Track 5)
What kind of music is it? (Track 4)
What kind of music is it? (Track 3)
What kind of music is it? (Track 2)
What kind of music is it? (Track 1)
What kind of movie is it?
What kind of movie is it?
What kind of movie is it?
What kind of movie is it?
Science fiction (Sci-fi) 
What kind of movie is it?
What kind of movie is it?