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What do you call the process of rock being broken down into soil particles?
When you plant things in the ground, which layer do you plant them in? It's the layer with the most nutrients to support plant growth.
What are the names of the soil horizons from top to bottom?
Horizon O, Horizon A, Horizon B, Horizon C, and Horizon R
What is another name for the parent material layer of soil? It's a funny sounding word.
What are the layers of soil from top to bottom?
surface/organic, topsoil, subsoil, parent material/regolith, & bedrock
Soil component that is dark, soft, crumbly, and made from decayed remains of once-living organisms
A combination of different soil types and humus which is very good for growing plants
Which type of soil has very small grains, gets sticky when wet but clumps when it dries, and retains water easily?
Which type of soil feels powdery when it is dry?
Which type of soil has large grains with large spaces between them, does not retain water, and feels gritty?
What are the three main types of soil?
sand, silt, & clay
How does the parent material affect the traits of the soil?
Soil will have similar traits as its parent material.
What is parent material?
the material that the soil was broken down from
What two factors of soil development are affected by the shape of the land and the direction it faces?
amount of water the soil retains and the amount of sunlight it gets
Relief is another word for....
Name one living organism that causes soil breakdown and explain how it does.
Animals dig and burrow, roots grow and break up soil or release chemicals, and bacteria eat away at the soil particles.
How do temperature and moisture affect soil development?
Soils develop faster in warm, moist climates and slower in cold, dry climates.
What does CLORPT stand for? List all five factors.
climate, organisms, relief, parent material, time
A mixture of sand, silt, clay, loam, rock and/or humus
Explain how dirt is different than soil.
Dirt is "dead" soil. It has lost the characteristics that give it the ability to support life.