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Speech Styles and Speech Act

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Telling your boyfriend that you love him and or telling your bestfriend about your deepest and darkest secret is an example of what speech style?
Intimate Style
You use this speech style if you want to get to know someone on a more personal level.
Casual or Informal Style
This speech style is used in conversations between friends, who have something to share and have shared background information.
Casual or Informal style
When a student is talking to his/her teacher or the student recites in class is an example of what speech style?
Consultative Style
In this type of speech style the speaker supplies background information on something his expert with and the listener participates continuously.
Consultative Style
This type of speech style is less appropriate for writing for this is unplanned speeches and it needs the listener's participation.
Consultative Style
Give at least three examples of a Formal Style.
Academic papers, Job interview, and a Company meeting
Type of Speech style that uses the complex grammatical sentence structure and vocabulary known only by experts.
Frozen Style
Give an example situation of a frozen style in communication.
Mass, Weeding Ceremony etc.
What is a frozen style in speech styles?
The most formal communicative style that is often used in respectful situation or formal ceremony.
A passerby says to a motorist with a flat tire, "Let me help you with that." is an example of what act?
Locutionary Act
"Why don't you like to sing?" Her bestfriend said. Identify the speech act.
Perlocutionary Act
"I advise you to stop smoking" said the doctor to a patient. Identify the speech act.
Illocutionary act
A father says to his child, "Why don't you spend less time watching TV?" This is an example of what speech act?
Perlocutionary Act
A child says to his playmate, "Yippee! Cookies!" What type of speech act is this?
Locutionary Act
Inspiring, insulting, scaring and convincing are examples of what speech act?
Perlocutionary Act
Give an example of Illocutionary act.
Answers may vary.
An opinion, a promise and a request are examples of what speech act?
Illocutionary act.
A type of speech act that has the same meaning to both speaker and the listener.
Locutionary act.
This box is heavy. Relate this statement to the three types of speech acts.
(locutionary) literal that the box is heavy, (Illocutionary)he/she needs someone to lift the box, (Perlocutionary)either the listener would help him/her or not.
An act happens when what the speaker says has an effect to the listener.
"I am hungry" (He/She wants someone to buy food for him) This is an example of?
Illocutionary speech. The speakers intends someone to perform.
What is a locutionary speech act, give an specific example.
Locutionary speech act is the literal meaning of the utterance. Example, I am hungry. He's stating he's real feelings..
What are the three types of speech acts?
The types of speech acts are locutionary, illocutionary and perlocutionary.
What is an speech act?
Are the speakers utterences which convey meaning and make listeners do specific things.