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Lateral Thinking

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When asked who a certain photograph was of, the owner replied 'I have neither sister nor brother, but my Mother's daughter is the Man's mother.' Who was in the photograph?
It was the owner's son.
On the table is a carton containing 6 eggs. If 6 people each take one egg, how can it be that one egg is left in the carton?
The last person took the last egg, still in the carton.
If one man has 3 sacks of corn on his back, and another man has 4 sacks on his back, which of them has the heavier load?
The first; 3 sacks of corn are heavier than 4 empty sacks
The maker does not need it. The buyer does not use it, and the user uses it without knowing. What is it?
A coffin
A man stopped his car opposite a hotel and immediately knew that he was bankrupt. How?
He was playing Monopoly.
They can be made, laid down, bent and broken. But is its difficult to touch them. What are they?
What holds water, but is full of holes?
A sponge
Freddy married two women, without getting divorced, becoming a widower or committing bigamy. Explain?
Freddy is a priest who conducted two weddings.
A woman has 3 daughters who turn, each have 3 daughters. If they all got together in one room, how many paris of grandmothers and granddaughters are there?
There are 9
What is impossible to hold for half an hour, yet weighs virtually nothing?
Your breath
What would you put on a table, cut, and then pass around, but would never eat?
A deck of cards
If there were 8 pigeons on a wall near a sheep pen, and the farmer shot one, how many pigeons would be left?
One, the dead one: the rest would have flown away