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Gustavo __________ (not - practice) soccer when the teacher asked for him
wasn't practicing
What is an accomplice?
someone who helps you to do something
What is "steal"
take something that belongs to someone else without having permission for that
I was running on the beach while you __________(take a sunbath)
were taking a sunbath
Carlos was kissing Jaque when Loryn ___________(arrive)
Lucas __________(walk) his dog when a cat showed up
was walking
Fernanda _______ (study) for the coming test while her sister was playing video game
was studying
Jack was cutting his hair ______ his brother was sleeping
Mary was cleaning the house _______her mother arrived home.
What do we use to show that one action interrupted another? When or while? give an example
when + past continuous + simple past
What do we use to show that two actions happened at the same time? when or while? give an example
While + example with past continuous
What was your classmate doing yesterday?
open answer past continuous
What is a witness?
Someone who sees a crime and can describe what happened
What is a culprit?
the person who commited the crime or did something wrong (guilty)
What is a clue?
an object or piece of information that helps someone solve a crime os mystery
What is an alibi?
Something that proves that someone wasn't in the crime scene
what is it?
dust for fingerprints
what is it?
match fingerprints
what is it?
a suspect
what is it?
forensic expert