Edit Game
B1+ REVISION (unit 1&2)

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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CORRECT MISTAKES: He never says nothing interesting to no one.
He never says anything interesting to anyone.
CORRECT MISTAKES: We couldn’t never work with nobody like that.
We couldn’t ever work with anybody like that.
CORRECT MISTAKES: This doesn't make no sense to me!
This doesn't make ANY sense to me!
A: So, did Sally and Lisa submit their reports? B: No, ________ of them managed to finish in time
A: Where are you going? B: _____________. I'm staying home tonight.
PARAPHRASE: Do you NEED to finish this file?
Do you HAVE TO finish this file?
PARAPHRASE: Can you stay calm in stressful situations?
Are you able to stay calm in stressful situations?
VOCABULARY: You didn't sleep well last night, you feel tired and annoyed, you are ______
VOCABULARY: Person who wants all the money in the world is ____
VOCABULARY: Person who usually doesn't agree with you, asks you many questions, argues a lot
VOCABULARY: Person who thinks very highly of themselves are _______
PARAPHRASE: They don't have a persimssion to enter the lab.
They aren't allowed to enter the lab.
PARAPHRASE: Borris is resposible for taking trash out every day.
Borris is supposed to take trash out every day.
PARAPHRASE: I can't work when there's too much stress at work!
I can't work under pressure.
QUESTION TAG: I'm late, ___
aren't I?
QUESTION TAG: It was a great mach yesterday, ____
wasn't it
VOCABULARY: when you can't think clearly or understand something
a queue
VOCABULARY: travel some distance between one's home and place of work on a regular basis.
Present Simple or Present Continuous: John_____ (get) taller every day!
is getting
Present Simple or Present Continuous: She always _______ (complain) about how difficult her life is.
is always complaining
Present Simple or Present Continuous: This week I ____ (stay) with his aunt, who ______ (live) in town.
I'm staying, lives
Present Simple or Present Continuous: There ____ (be) a bank in a nearby town, but James ______ (have) to take the bus to get there.
is, has
Present Simple or Present Continuous: Jenny usually ______ (cycle) to school, but today she _____ (take) the bus because it _______ (rain)
cycles, is taking, is raining
VOCABULARY: karti kava, rūkyta žuvis, aštrus padažas
bitter coffee, smoked firsh, spicy sauce
VOCABULARY: rūgštus obuolys, prėska duona, pasenusi mėsa
sour apple, bland bread, rancid meat
VOCABULARY: to fry small pieces of meat, vegetables, etc. quickly while mixing them around
SYNONYM: Jane is very WORRIED about Kate.
Jane is very CONCERNED about Kate.
PARAPHRASE: I don't like when people chew loudly.
I can't bear loud chewing.
TRANSLATE: Ar tu panašus į savo tėtį?
Are you similar to your father?
TRANSLATE: Maria labai pyksta ant Tomo. Jis jÄ… labai nervuoja.
Maria is angry at Tom. He's getting on her nerves.
TRANSLATE: AÅ¡ esu patenkintas savo darbo rezultatais
I'm satisfied with my work results
TRANSLATE: Aš bijau vorų!
I'm scared/frightened of spiders