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BONUS QUESTION:What is a mid defense called?
Uchi Uke
What is a kick called in Japanese?
What is a punch Japanese?
BONUS QUESTION: What are the  pants and  jacket  of a karate suit called?
Doji-uwagi and zupon
What colors are used in the kumite belts?
Blue and red
What attacks cannot be done in kumite?
Low blows and attacks at the joints
Can there be male versus female fights?
Not for professional level.  Children, okay
Are these required  protections for kumite?
How many dans exist?
What is a sensei?
The teacher
What is a dojo?
The place where karate is practised
What is this?
What is a karete belt called in Japanese?
What object that women wear in their hair is not allowed in karate fights?
Hair clips
What is a kata?
A set of movements
What is a karate uniform called?
What is the objetive in a karate fight?
get points in the rounds
How many belts exist in karate?
What are karate fights called? *not kata
Which technique is not allowed in a karate fight?
Grabbing or pushing
What is karate used for?
Self defense