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Conversation after work

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Did Erin approve when Ava took the call from her boss?
No, she didn't.
Is ava going to take her boss' call?
Yes, she is.
At the end of the conversation who's calling Ava?
Her boss.
Does Erin work hard when she's at work?
Yes, she does.
Why does Ava say she can't be like Erin?
Because she is afraid of losing her job.
How did Erin act with her previous boss?
She was always available and he called her on the weekends.
Is Ava similar to Erin? Why ? Why not?
No. Ava worries about what her boss thinks and makes herself available after hours.
What does Erin mean when she says she has a life?
That she has a life outside of work.
Why doesn't Erin pick up the phone?
Because it's her boss and it's after hours.