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UNIT 2 Office routines

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Synonym of "BUDGET". (verb) to give an estimated price
Hacer inventario del material de oficina : to take an ______________ of the office supplies
take an inventory
una hoja de papel
A sheet of paper
To look at the caller ID of an incoming call and decide whether or not to answer it
Screen calls
________ - a clear, concise written record of what was said at a meeting and any actions taken - at all club meetings. (LLEVAR ACTAS)
Take minutes
Translation of ARCHIVADOR in English
filing cabinet
Translation of CAJÓN in English
Type of chair that allows you to spin aroun
swivel chair
A ___________________ allows you to attach a piece of paper to a notice board.
Scotch tape is a clear adhesive sticky tape that is also called....
General noun to design a collection of office supplies or the shop where you can buy these items
General noun to design a collection of office supplies or the shop where you can buy these items
The brand tipp-ex creates ___________________ to cover a mistake.
correction fluid / white-out
Tool to disconnect the stapled papers
stapler remover
Piece of steel that holds large amount of paper together
Bulldog clip
DIfference between "run out of" and "run low of"
run out of: you haven't got ANY. run low of: you haven't got ENOUGH
how much an item costs
price per unit
price of sending items to a customer
shipping cost
Article / Unit
Equipment where you hand your coat or jacket
coat rack
POST-IT Is a popular brand for writing _________
writing pads
(read) VAT 21%
(read) $ 47,763.95
fourty seven thousand seven hundred and sixty three dollars ninety five cents
Gadget to destroy confidential documents
Phrasal verb: to distribute
give out
Tool to cut: A pair of _________
Document that works as a ticket for a company
VAT stands for....
Value Added Tax
When Jane is back in the office, her secretary is going to ___________ her the message she took yesterday.
You need to ____________ office supplies when there are few pens, envelopes, paper
Collocation meaning: to collect information about what's happening over a period of time
to keep track of
__________________ are charts that help record and analyse data in Excel
(verb.) To organise the documents in a folder
to file the documents
When someone's not in the office and you write the information to tell them later on
take a message
¿Podrías, por favor, agendar esto? Es importante.
Would you please type this agenda? it's important
Modal verbs to make polite requests in English
could , would, can, may
to be responsible ________ (collocation) receiving visitors
responsible for + verb-ing
(verb) to write on a keyboard or screen
pear is homophone of
to keep up to date a mailing list
update the mailing list
adjective to describe a person who is always willing to assist / help
Record of the people / visitors getting into the lobby
keep a log