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Revision exam 1

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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My aun adopted a baby boy and , and they a three-year-old girl (after)
My aunt adopted a three-year old girl after adopting a baby boy
Last night we met Mike´s fiancée for the first time (before)
We had never met Mike´s fiancée before last night
Rewrite: My brother and I got along well until he started dating his girlfriend (since)
My brother and I haven't got along well since he started dating his girlfriend
Rewrite: My sister went to live in London last year (for)
My sister has lived in London for a year.
Rewrite: They finished lunch before I got home (by the time)
By the time I got home they had already finished lunch
My niece Elizabeth, is quite............ Her parents never say "no" to her.
My sister is going to ................. a place to study at Cambridge University, but she's worried they'll ..............her.
apply for. //. reject
Most of Jason's friends are older kids. He doesn't really............. with his.............at school.
fit in. //. peers
Although I was..............my grandmother, I don't..................her. We are not at all...................
named after. //. take after. //. alike.
When my parents......................., some of their friends...............my mum and stopped seeing my dad. That hurt his feelings.
got divorce. //. sided with